Mini-Course Catalog

Welcome LRU Alumni Course Catalog MiniCourse Enrollment Forms

Mini-Course Catalog

The "mini-courses" featured on this page are all absolutely FREE and are delivered to your email account once you enroll.  They are, of course, abbreviated "sampler" courses designed to give you a feel for the kind of topics you will be studying if you should enroll as a regular student with Luther Rice Seminary and University.  They do not qualify for academic credit and are not transferable to LRU or any other school.  They will, however, be transferable to your life and you will be a better minister for Christ!  Signing up for these courses does not obligate you in any way, and you may discontinue the mailings at any time.


Jesus & the Gospels

What do we really know about Jesus?  Does the DaVinci Code tell the truth?  What about the Jesus Seminar and the Gospel of Judas?

Values & Ethics

Is there really such a thing as absolute right and wrong?  How should we decide in matters of life?

Spiritual Formation

Is there a secret to spiritual success? Find out in our Spiritual Formation sampler!

Biblical Exposition

Can you teach/preach the Word of God?  Let us help with your first steps.